Monday, August 21, 2006

I Will Call You


I was in the grocery store this afternoon, thinking of some cool new fan dangled Internet idea. Instead I thought of this social experiment. I'll Call You. How does it work?

You email me your number at, and I'll call you. Why do you want me to call you? Maybe you're just curious. Maybe you want to talk to me about this idea. Maybe you just want to participate in this experiment. Maybe you don't believe me. Maybe you just need someone to talk to. Maybe you want to shoot the breeze for a bit. Do you even need a reason?

Oh, and by the way, I set up this page, email address, and pushed my site all in under an hour. I started this, let's see it's 8/21/2006 7pm Eastern.

Anyhow, lets see if anyone gets in touch with me. I'll probably blog a little about any interesting conversations I have. Enough, let's start.


Blogger Collin said...

I recieved my call.

Caller was very friendly and enthusiastic.

I enjoy that I can talk to people I never would have just because. Hoorah for the internet or something.

Hope you get more call requests.

8/21/2006 4:47 PM  
Blogger Michael said...


8/21/2006 10:03 PM  
Blogger Silverfuel said...

Just spoke to the dude. Didnt expect him to call back but he did. Real nice guy and spoke for a good 5 minutes. Good luck in your adventure buddy.

8/22/2006 9:15 AM  

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